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These are short biographical sketches of men who did the work of an evangelist (II Tim. 4:5), that high, holy office, the individuals of which are a gift of God to the churches, to the nation (Eph. 4:11, 12)! As such, these worthies wrought revivals of righteousness, raised up standards of spirituality, resisted the forces of evil, redeemed through their preaching multitudes of death-doomed, Hell-bound sinners to Christ, to heavenly home and hope.
You will meet 46 of these soul-winning worthies in these pages. They are converts to Christ from the gold coast and the gutter, from Sunday schools, sawdust trails, skid rows; one was a sidewalk recruit. They come from the environments of a gypsy wagon, a rancher's home, parsonages, infidelism, Jewry, a baseball diamond, the brothels, courts of law, the classroom, coal mines, a cobbler's shop. They evangelized in the forest, in the field, from the pulpit, through the printed page, publicly, privately, in the arenas and from house to house.
Meet them in their hours of deepest conviction of sin, in the hallowed hours of their conversion of soul, in the holy hour of their call to evangelism, and in their hallelujah hours of conquests for Christ. Come walk with them, weep with them, warn the lost with them and win with them.
Read about these...
John R. Rice
Billy Sunday
D. L. Moody
Bob Jones, Sr.
R. A. Torrey
plus 41 others!
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